

 This young talent can't cease to amaze me with every of the singles i listened to on his just launched album,
After a little interview with the vocalist Chris Phoebus he opened up to me with the circumstances building up in writing this wonderful masterpiece titled LOVE GOES.
Yes Instances or circumstances push you as a writer to project how you feel in any way you can and mine is to write and sing which i've put in this song with hard work.

Love they say is not a victory match, Love in some aspects can be compared to money, you may have it today and tomorrow you will wake up without it. Love comes and goes but all that it leaves is memories, heart breaks, thoughts of things you both could have  accomplished together and in my conclusion i will go with one powerful writer who said " LOVE IS A CUN AND IS A BROKEN"

 Chris phoebus a young deep writer is a multi talented young man and i'm happy to introduce to the world one of his song LOVE GOES  which comes with a great video concept and beautiful pictures. Please Listen, Download,Watch and share. Lets support good music.

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